We hope everyone is keeping safe and well and enjoying the sunshine!

We wanted to let our parents/carers and our amazing children know that we are planning on being able to run some holiday clubs this summer. We are busy planning to ensure that any venues which can run, are done so safely. We have been working with our partner schools throughout COVID-19 delivering activities to key worker children which are safe and adhere to new risk assessments and health and safety guidance. Our team have adapted to this new way of working to keep everyone safe whilst maintaining a fun and engaging environment. These new health and safety procedures and risk assessments will be taken into any summer club activities we are able to provide.

In short, we will be limiting numbers of attendees at our Active clubs to a maximum of 30, with group sizes no bigger than 15 (and likely much smaller) as per government guidance. Our EYFS settings will be a maximum of 16 children, with group sizes of 8 or smaller. All equipment and spaces used will be thoroughly cleaned at the end of each day, and we will be stipulating that all staff members and children wear clean clothes daily. Children will be kept in the same groups, and we will be encouraging social distancing. We will maintain a high level of hand cleaning and good hygiene practices. Children must only bring their packed lunch and water bottle with them and arrive with sun cream already applied. Sign in and sign out will be staggered to ensure the safe arrival and departure from club.

We are unsure currently which venues will be running, but we aim to get details out as soon as possible for parents to be able to plan ahead. Should the government release any guidance in the meantime which would affect our summer holiday clubs, we will keep everyone informed of any changes. Hopefully, we can have a safe, fun and active summer as planned!

Thanks for your ongoing support,

The CCSA Team

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